Monday, July 24, 2006
Just Another Manic Monday
Well, lets see... a day in the life of Rod. First, up and read my Christian Gamers Guild e-mail. Then shower. Then coffee. Then drugs (Ibprophen, Anti-Hyper-Activity Pills, Vitamin C). Then Coffee. Then pack lunch. Pack pop. Out door into car. Drive to work. Find parking. Climb Stiars to packer floor level. Clock in. Hand scanner not working, walk to other hand scanner over by mechanics shop. Clock in. Climb stiars to Cartons level break room. Put lunch in Frig. Put pop in frig. Put Palm and Cell in locker. Man it's hot up here... 122 they say. A cool 67 in the break room. Put on safety gear (sweat band, "cool off" rope after soaking in water to activate it, safety glassess... clean them again... hair net... need new gloves). Walk back down to Carton level, get new gloves out of glove locker. Walk down to "official site Break Room" on locker level, get ice out of ice machine in my water bottle. Walk down ground level. Walk outside around to load building out in the where house... start working.... It gets even more dull after that... I'm home now! Yeah!! Luana bought me a Jalapeno Pizza from Dominos... SWEET!!